Sunday, December 30, 2012

Get your 2013 Challenges Now!!!!

There's a whole slate of 2013 challenges coming up, you need to sign up now.

XBLA 2013 (XBOX Live Arcade games released in 2013) by StingX2

January 10th cutoff.
Join Here:

Ironman 2013 (Score as many points as possible, no limitations for 2013) by FragEmAndSmile
I like to see how people score throughout the year, so just join for fun to watch your friends.

Please post here:

And Join here:

Win Phone Challenge 2013 (2013 phone releases only) by FragEmAndSmile

Join here:

Win8 Challenge 2013 (2013 win8 releases only) by FragEmAndSmile

Join here:

And a  Monthly challenge for January...

January Genre of the Month Hack N Slash by MightyMango

Love this genre, want to score a lot of points in January and boost that badge and get a new game...
Join here:January Genre of the Month

Friday, December 28, 2012

Think YOU are the best gamer in the U.S.? PROVE IT!

Think YOU are the best gamer in the U.S.? PROVE IT!

Announcing the U.S. Gamerscore Open 2k13 (USGO) Season TWO!

Gamers in their respective state will compete with each other in an elimination style tournament where ultimately the winner from each state will compete against other state winners and become the best in the U.S.

Here's how it will work:

***THIS IS A 60 DAY ENDURANCE CHALLENGE*** (You have been warned)

First, gamers will compete at the state level, where every gamer in the competition from within a single state will compete for 30 days. The gamer with the highest score will from each state will move on to the finals. Then, one last round lasting 30 days will determine the USGO champion for 2013.

Go here and sign up...

Friday, December 7, 2012


Coming This December 21st, it will be the 2012-2013 MEGA Challenge. 

Join below

I pushed it back until the 21st so people have plenty of time to leave their autochallenges and whatever else challenge they will be in. This will be a 30 day challenge and it will be the old style challenge where all games go. 

There will be some restrictions though as in previous years. 

Gamerscore MUST be over 30,000. This is to make it so no one can have a boost account that has no GS and walk away with a win. 

You must have been a member of 360voice for a minimum of 6 months. 

No changing of gamertags during the challenge is allowed. 

No modding of gamerscore/game saving/profile glitches/profile sharing/ is allowed. Pretty much if it is again Microsoft's TOS it will not be allowed here. 


As with the Genre of the Month Challenges I will be putting up a Retail title of your choice. Please no baller beats or LE/CE games. 

Also the TOP 5 will be the first and only to get the new Viral badge. As last year this will be the challenge that launches the new viral. 

Also as with previous years there may be more prizes issued by other members so I will add those to the list as well. 

Good Luck Everyone!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Top 21 Most Popular for November 2012

Another month, only a couple days behind this time. Thanks to Futiles for reminding me. I sense a Megachallenge for the Viral 2013 coming on. I'll make a separate post later, but if you want to run a year long challenge for next year, now is the time to let me know what you want.

1. Stallion83 *
2. Streak Leader *
3. the dren *
4. smrnov *
5. Darkest Lion *
6. QuiCkz Ninja *
7. Watty8883 *
8. dacoto *
9. Boerke *
10. pTartTX *
11. Hotdogmcgee *
12. futiles *
13. toddycst *
14. Geems *
15. SparkyMP *
16. CKinAL *
17. RAAMzilla *
18. Buckswana *
19. Lil Miss Cherry *
20. Fshguy *
21. Mightymango *


Monday, November 26, 2012

Return of the ARS

The ARS(Achievement Rating System) has returned. This is Fafhrdd's tool that allows you to rate games you have completed by difficulty and time consumption. There are search functions to find easy games that you haven't played. Also, these are the numbers that show up in the badge calculator for each game. So please check it out if you haven't tried before. The more ratings that are made here will make the meta ratings for the games more more reliable.

Find it in the menu above under Games or find it here.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Top 21 Most Popular for "October" 2012

A little late here, thanks for the reminders, funny how it used to be me that would remind ChangeAgent and Fatty Chubs to reset this every month! Need to do something to get back on this list!

1. Stallion83 *
2. Streak Leader *
3. the dren *
4. smrnov *
5. Buckswana *
6. SparkyMP *
7. Junkdewd *
8. FragEmAndSmile *
9. pTartTX *
10. Geems *
11. Boerke *
12. Mightymango *
13. Darkest Lion *
14. QuiCkz Ninja *
15. Capn Doug x360a *
16. Elem3ntal80 *
17. dacoto *
18. Hotdogmcgee *
19. Watty8883 *
20. Necromancer2k8 *
21. Fragilesound *
*Honorable Mention: Fshguy *

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Collection Update

Hello again everyone. With all of the upheaval with the genres the last few updates, collections have been seriously neglected. Today we have finalized a list and it is live. Here is everything that we have added to and removed from the collections.

One big note should be the Incomplet collection, instead of making it a home for every server shutdown, we have decided to turn it into a collection for games that had glitched achievements from the get go and were not patched. The list below reflects what is in the collection now:

EA MMA From Hardcore
Gunstar Heroes from Easycore

Choplifter HD
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao
Orcs Must Die!
Rabbids A&K
Shoot Many Robots
The Splatters

Console Classics:
Sonic Adventure 2

Daytona USA


Fight Night Champion
Guitar Hero 3
Hail to the Chimp


Arcania Gothic 4
Cars Race O Rama
Dance Dance Rev Universe 3
Monster Madness
Naruto Rise of Ninja
NFS Carbon
NHL 2k7
NHL 2k8
Rapala Tournament Fishing
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Tom Clancy's Endwar
Top Gun Hardlock
UFC Undisputed 2009

Adventures of TinTin
Godfather II
Ice Age 4
Jurassic Park: The Game
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Madagascar 3
Men in Black: Alien Crisis
The Amazing Spiderman
The Expendables 2
Watchmen 2

Darkness II
LEGO Batman 2
The Amazing Spiderman
Watchmen 2

The Great Outdoors:
Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Hunting Party

Biggest Loser
Cartoon Network PTE
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
Dragon Ball Z: Kinect
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
Game of Thrones
Madballs Babo:Invasion
Naruto Shippuden: UNSG
NCIS: The Game
Persona 4 Arena
South Park: Tenorman
Walking Dead
Wipeout 2

Resident Evil 6
Walking Dead

I will also say something else, if you have a few suggestions to add to the collections, we will be more than happy to hear them and add some of them in. This list is not set in stone. Plus we probably won't get another collection update until May. Feel free to chime in and comment.

November Genre of the Month -- Sandbox

A little bit late posting on this one, I will blame the weather and other things. You can still join up so don't be shy.

Join up now.  It is a chance of another 360voice badge as well as the chance to win a new game!!

Good Luck!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall Genre Update

Hey folks,

This is a few days late but the update has gone through and with it we see many changes.

1. First we have the usual update with the normal additions, moves and removals. Nothing crazy here, but that's coming up.

2. We have decided to remove the family and console classics genres and turn them into collections. All the games from these 2 genres have been reshuffled and moved into other genres, So all those points you earned still count toward other genres.

3. We know losing genres always bums people out, so to make up for this, we have also pushed through a genre split. WRPG and JRPG have been reorganized from 2 genres into FIVE. Yes you read correctly. So them math works like this, lose 2 genres, gain 3. This means profit for all. The categories are as follows:

Traditional RPG (T-RPG): this is your classic turned based RPG ala Final Fantasy and Star Ocean style.

Action RPG (A-RPG): your classic western RPG ala Elder Scrolls style.

Shooter RPG (SH-RPG): a new sub genre to come out this generation. Think of them as FPS's with huge RPG elements like Mass Effect and Borderlands

Strategy RPG (ST-RPG): another sub genre where you have a strategy/grid style game like a Starcraft or C&C but combined with turn based gameplay and massive RPG elements. If you've played a Disgaea or Record of Agrest War style game, then you know what I mean. This genre is for you.

Dungeon Crawler: another hark back to classic times. Dungeon crawler will find all of your dungeon searching, treasure hunting monster fests.

Now I won't get into what when where in this main post, its simply too massive. We are talking about over 200 moves here. But you'll find everything you need to know in the following threads:

There you go folks, that's all I got.

Monday, October 1, 2012

September 2012 Top 21 List

Another month, anybody tired of Borderlands yet? Two months of big titles coming up. I've got a few good site updates in the works, let's see what I can get done. And it's October, Futiles is ahead of me, so that must mean he has STEI ready?!

1. Stallion83 *
2. the dren *
3. smrnov *
4. Streak Leader *
5. QuiCkz Ninja *
6. pTartTX *
7. futiles *******
8. Fshguy *
9. Buckswana *
10. Layth *
11. Geems *
12. SparkyMP *
13. Frostbite *
14. natsukashii *
15. danpsfx *
16. CKinAL *
17. lady death 13 *
18. Elem3ntal80 *
19. Hotdogmcgee *
20. dacoto *
21. toddycst *

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

October Genre of the Month : Survival Horror

Another month is almost here which means it is time for next month's genre challenge.


Same rules apply as in other months, the winner will receive a game from the survival horror genre. There are also badges for 1st-3rd as well as participation badges for those that join.

So join up here 

Challenge starts on October 1st!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Top 21 Most Popular for July/August 2012

Fell a little behind on these, catching up a back log of items... Time to pimp your blog again.

Top 21 Most Popular for July/August 2012
* means comments are enabled! Go leave a message!

Stallion83 *
the dren *
smrnov *
Streak Leader *
BoZack *
QuiCkz Ninja *
futiles *
pTartTX *
Fshguy *
Buckswana *
natsukashii *
LausDomini *
Geems *
Boerke *
Hotdogmcgee *
Tandar1 *
CKinAL *
griffey95 *
Junkdewd *
phatal1ty *
SparkyMP *

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

September Genre of the Month -- Sports!!!

Another month is already upon us which means it is time for the NEXT genre of the month.  This month it is time for some SPORTS!

In honor of the 2012 football season as well as the end of the baseball season I figured this would be a great time for this genre.

So sign up for the challenge here

Same deal as in previous months the winner gets a new sports genre title.

Good luck everyone!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

New MotM eh? What's this all aboot?

Well it's finally happened... the planets have aligned. Well...the Queen may have bribed me a bit, but it has been determined we should have a Canadian Member of the Moment!  It was bound to happen one of these days... so I hope you are ready!  Here is Mr. Dan Rogers (Buckswana), all the way from Ottawa to answer all the mysteries you and I have about this magical place called Canada.

Q: What do you do in your everyday life?

A: I'm the warehouse manager of a local musical instruments retail store. It's mostly shipping & receiving, and running stuff to salesmen, as well as transferring stock between the other 2 stores that we have. I do occasionally work the sales floor, as well as taking care of all the accounting and daily cash duties when my boss isn't there.

Q: Tell us about how you came up with your gamertag?

A: It was really just a spur of the moment thing. My nickname is Buck, which came from a hockey teammate referring to Buck Rogers while we were playing one night, and it just stuck. When I had to come up with a gamertag, I was trying to think of Buck...something, and for some reason Botswana popped into my head. Buckswana just sounded right, and I really didn't give it a lot of thought at the time. It's been pointed out that it sounds like a variety of piñata...maybe a deer and a swan? Filled with candy...mmm...candy...

Q: As one of the few Canadian residents on the site, explain some differences between your country and the United States?  What are some noticeable places to visit or things to do?

A: Free health care, no guns, lax pot laws (within reason) are probably the biggest differences, lol. Really, it's not that different going from a small town in the US to one here. As for places to visit; I suppose the Parliament buildings here in Ottawa would be one spot to check out. Right downtown, near the canal that cuts through the downtown area. Toronto has the Skydome and CN tower. Montreal has it's own unique style, as well as the yearly F1 race on the island. Vancouver is on the west coast near Seattle, and has a lot warmer winter weather, with a short drive to the mountains for skiing. Every city has it's own feel, and something to do.

Q: Is it true that you must love hockey in order to be a resident of Canada?

A: That's LIVE hockey, actually. And beer and bacon, of course. Poutine is optional. ;)

Q: Besides hockey, are there any other sports you enjoy?

A: I'm a Redskins fan (these are dark times...), as well as some of the more European stuff; F1 Racing and English Premier League Football (soccer). I'm looking forward to the upcoming Olympics as well.

Q: Where did you develop all your amazing musical talent? It obviously shows on your gamercard with 12 musical games completed (more if you count Disney Sing It and Karaoke revolution)?

A: I come from a pretty musical background. My father's a drummer, and started all the kids on piano lessons when I was 6. From there, I learned trumpet and guitar, before finally settling on drums as my main instrument when I was 12. I still play today, but mostly for fun with friends or the odd show to fill in, and don't really tour anymore.

Q: You seem to take being a completionist to heart, what made you decide you wanted to finish everything?  I see a few games that are incompletable though on your card, but still impressive 98.35% including DLC with over 250,000 gamerscore!

A: After I had my console for a bit and got into gamerscore a little more, I remember noticing a couple of games on my card that I had nearly no score in. I went back to them, and found I really enjoyed them the 2nd time around, especially the challenge of trying to bring up their gamerscore, and then finish them, as they were both relatively tough. I had already played a few games that were either incompletable or had ridiculous leaderboard  achievements by that time, so I knew 100% would never happen, which is why I've always promised myself that I'll never avoid playing a game just because I may not complete it. I play games for fun first and foremost, it just so happens that finishing them is a lot of fun for me too. ;)

Q: What are some hobbies that you enjoy other than gaming?

A: Obviously drumming and guitar. Playing hockey, biking and rollerblading are a few others.

Q: How did you find out about 360Voice?

A: I had seen a few people using the blog as a sig in forums, and didn't really know what it was. I came on the site a couple of times, and thought it was kind of cool, so signed up, and ended up in a challenge. It's been so long, but I do remember ZeroDesolation being one of the first people that made me feel like this was a good place to be.

Q: What keeps you coming back?

A: Definitely the sense of community. I've never been much of one for forums and such, but it's different here. The badges are great and add that much more to keep people involved, and the community events and challenges that people create are fantastic.

Q: Is there anything you would add or change about 360Voice?

A: I've never been one for change just for the sake of change, and have always tried to be happy with what I have. As long as everything works, I'm good. The guys running the site do a great job of keeping it doing just that.

Q: There was a new event that was held in Terre Haute, called AchievementFest, what did you think of it?

A: It was a bit of a blur to be honest. In 5 days, I think I slept a total of 13 hours. Getting to meet so many of the people I interact with here, some on a nearly everyday basis, gave me even more of an appreciation for how great the community here is. I could write pages just about that weekend alone, so suffice to say, if you missed it, you missed a great time.

Q: If you could change or add anything to AchievementFest, what would it be and why?

A: Pretty much the same answer as changes to 360v...I'm good. The first is always the toughest to get set up and pull off, so I'm sure they'll just get better from here, and I had no complaints.

Q: Being #1 in Canada for completed Windows Phones games (82), according to TrueAchievements, is outstanding.  Especially when you see smrnov is a part of that group! What are some other leaderboard stats you are proud of?

A: I don't really have any, other than that one I guess, to be honest. Living in the same province as smrnov pretty much excludes me from the top spots on all the leaderboards I look at, but it also helps keeps me humble about my accomplishments. It would be easy to be cock of the walk living somewhere else, but his amazing feats keep me from getting too full of myself.

Q: What is your gaming setup like? Do you have a closet filled with music peripherals?

A: I have 3 US systems; a 20gb Pro, a 120gb Elite, and a Gears of War 3 console, as well as a Japanese arcade console. I run everything except the 20gb one through a Yamaha 5.1 surround sound system, then to a 37" LG HDTV. The 20gb I run through a second smaller tv next to the other for boosting, as well as having everything wired so I can watch tv or play games on either tv (or both) at the same time.

I do have a ridiculous amount of music stuff as well. Rock Band 1 full set, Beatles Rock Band full set and the Guitar Hero World Tour full set, plus extra microphones from various games and a GHII Explorer guitar. So basically, 3 drum kits, 4 guitars and about 6 mics.

Q: How much hard drive space does your entire music collection take up for Rock Band and Guitar Hero?

A: I've actually exported all of the music games I have, so quite a bit. It's around 9gb of Guitar Hero, and 9.5gb of Rock Band songs. I haven't bought any GH DLC, but have bought quite a bit of RB stuff.

Q: Do you like to eat or drink anything while playing? Bacon with maple syrup perhaps?

A: Water or Canada Dry ginger ale to drink. I don't usually eat while I play, unless it's a boosting session with some downtime. I do always have a bowl of chocolate M&M's on the table for emergencies though. Or gummy bears. Something mess free with sugar for 2:30 in the morning before the end of the STEI interval...

Q: Think about the past 7 months, what are your top 5 retail and top 5 XBLA games that were released?

A: I don't often pick up games on release, so hard to say. I'll just give you my top ones; Retail #1 for me is definitely Gears 3. Arcade #1 is Trials Evolution. Both were absolutely fantastic.

Q: Microsoft seems to be doing a better job with the Deals of the Week, and now they have even more deals with the Sales and Specials+ app.  What are some things you would like to see discounted?

A: Stuff I want to buy and haven't bought yet. No, there's not really much.

Q: What are 3 games you are looking forward to in the future?

A: Assassins Creed 3, Halo 4, and something else involving shooting and/or stabbing.

Q: Can you remember what was your first videogame ever played?

A: Pong. The original one with the 2 big paddle wheels. A friend on my street had it, and it was the coolest thing ever at the time.

Q: What are some of your thoughts on Kinect? Epic fail, or has Microsoft developed a unique peripheral that will last?

A: My first thoughts were; junk. I play games to relax, not jump around. That's definitely changed somewhat, after seeing it in action. There are still some games that can be finicky, and not track well, but some others are great fun. If they can get it to track better in a smaller area, I think it'll open it up for a lot more people with space issues.

Q: What are some new and innovative things you would like to see done with the Kinect?  What about the Windows phone, or even the Xbox360?

A: Really, just a better quality camera and tracking in smaller space for Kinect. I love my windows phone, and my only complaint is about creating your own ringtones and text alerts (which isn't much of a complaint). Like I said, I'm good.

Q: Thinking ahead a year or two, do you expect to see the new generation of consoles coming out? What do you think it will be called, priced, and be capable of?

A: I leave speculation for others usually. I don't expect a new console for at least a couple more years, but it's going to be a beast. It's amazing the 360 has gone as long as it has, and the way they've been able to constantly get more out of it in terms of graphics and performance.

Q: What's your favorite genre, and why?  Also, what are some of your favorite games from the genre?

A: A few years ago, it would have been hockey. That was a genre to me, lol. Now, it's all over the map. I suppose music is the biggest, but I enjoy just about anything, if it's done well. I tend to prefer 3rd person shooters to FPS, and don't really play RPG or strategy games much anymore though. Beatles RB is possibly the best music game ever made. Gears of War for shooters, Mass Effect, there are just so many good games.

Q: If you had the choice of introducing the newest instrument to the Rock Band lineup, what would it be?  What are some songs that you would need in the setlist for it to stand out?

A: Soprano Sax. Anything by Kenny G.

Q: A huge issue of gaming, or welcome addition if you're on the other side of the fence, is DLC.  What are your thoughts on it?

A: For the most part, I think it's nothing more than a cash grab. Even more so when you're being charged to unlock content that's already on the retail disc. There have been a few rare exceptions (both the GTA 4 DLC's come to mind), that have been well made, great additions to the main game. Unfortunately, that's not usually the case.

Q: What are some of your proudest completions, what about some of the less prideful ones?

A: Rock Band 1 will always be one of my proudest. Having to do all of the band stuff solo, singing and playing guitar/bass at the same time, was a lot of fun, and challenging on the expert stuff. Being first in Canada to 1k Gears 3 is certainly another. There's a few "cheap" ones on my card (Avatar, MH&M2, Hannah Monatana, etc.), but that doesn't bother me.

Q: Being a completionist it would seem you play games for achievements, but is there anything you like to play for fun with friends?

A: All of the music stuff is a lot fun with friends, no matter the difficulty. I still have "NHL nights" from time to time as well, having friends over and playing nothing but hockey all night.

Q: If you could travel the world, where would you go and why?

A: I've actually already done a lot of traveling. I spent 3 years in Germany as a kid, and we traveled all over Europe, including England, France, Spain, Italy, Austria; anywhere we could go by train. I still think it would be neat to check out Japan, as well as Australia.

Q: Why are all Canadians extremely nice? Do you actually know any who aren't?

A: I know many that aren't. It's all an act; we fake it well.

Q: Is there anything you would like to add or say?

A: Have a good one! 8)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

5-Star Badges are Here

After much delay and some anticipation, 5-Star badges are here. This means there will be 5 levels of genre badges to pursuit. The percentages from 1-5 are 20/40/60/75/90.  The Badge Calculator has been updated and badge scores should fall in line soon. The genres are being recalculated currently.

A special thanks goes out to JB330 for producing all of the artwork for the update. Also thanks goes to WolfWood37Roku750mightymango and futiles for all of their work vetting out the new graphics and updating the new genre descriptions and "sayings"

I will be working on refining the badge score system too to better align badges in difficulty to get.

Note: Looks like the Badge Score app is down, I will work on getting this back later today.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

August Genre of the Month : Fitness

After a short month off it is time for the next Genre of the month. 

This month it is time to get off your couch and do the FITNESS genre. Inspired by Fshguy at Achievement Fest it is time to exercise for a new badge and a couple of prices. I will be offering up a retail title and Fshguy will be offering up a 1600 point card to the winner. 

Join now

Group is here :

Friday, July 13, 2012

Achievement Fest 2012 is on...

July 9, 2012

eBash Video Game Center Hosting Achievement Fest 2012 and Two Guinness World Record Attempts

eBash Video Game Center in Terre Haute, Indiana is proud to announce they will be hosting two Guinness World Record attempts for Xbox 360 gaming on July 14th through July 15th. The two attempts will be for the most achievement points unlocked on Xbox 360 games in 24 hours by an individual and the most achievement points unlocked on Xbox 360 games in 24 hours by a group.

The attempt is part of a weekend event hosted by eBash called Achievement Fest. Achievement Fest is the first event of its kind hosted for the top Xbox 360 gamerscore players from all around the world. There are gamers traveling from 18 different states and Canada to Terre Haute, Indiana to participate in the event.

eBash owner Zack Johnson organized Achievement Fest in cooperation with the website and is an avid gamer himself. He will be participating with the group in the Guinness Record attempt and the weekend of gaming. “Many of these players that are part of our online community are excited to be traveling to Terre Haute and finally meet each other in person” Johnson stated. He continued, “We all have a passion for unlocking achievements on the Xbox 360 gaming system and we can’t wait to work together all weekend to not only increase our personal scores but also set two Guinness World Records in the process.”

Every Xbox 360 game released by Microsoft contains 1000 points that can be earned by accomplishing certain milestones in the game. The points are monitored carefully by Microsoft to prohibit any cheating and has become a huge high score leaderboard for all gamers throughout the world. The current world record for most points in 24 hours earned by an individual is 13,290 set by Jason Gervais in September 2011. The group record has not been set and the gamers at eBash for Achievement Fest have already been approved by Guinness to set the initial record.

The team at eBash has worked closely with the Terre Haute Convention and Visitor’s Bureau and their president David Patterson to make sure this first event is a success. Patterson likes the amount of visitors this is bringing to Terre Haute and said, “Zack and his team are bringing in a very unique group for this event. With our excellent local hotels, restaurants and shopping for their families combined with eBash’s large facility we have the opportunity to bring back these gamers for similar events in the future. We want to support events like these that showcase our great community and what Terre Haute has to offer.”

The Guinness World Record attempt will begin at noon on Saturday and continue non-stop until noon on Sunday. It is open to the public and any visitors over 18 will be able to sign a witness form for the Guinness attempt to help authenticate the record.

For more information about Achievement Fest 2012 or eBash Video Game Centers contact Zack Johnson via email or by phone at 812.235.0040.

About eBash (
eBash Video Game Center is the largest and most successful video game center in the midwest. eBash’s Terre Haute location has 100 high end gaming stations and has served over 20,000 customers in 7 years since it was founded in 2004 by Zack Johnson. A second store in Evansville, Indiana was opened in 2008 and a third location is planned to open in the Charleston/Matoon, Illinois area later this year.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Badge Update 2012

Okay folks its about time for another badge update. I predict there will be a lot of mourning for lost badges this time around because of all the moves, removals, and additions. I won't bore you with a long rant, so here is the update.


Asterix at the Olympic Games From family
Golden Axe from Retro
Lips from Karaoke and Rhythm
Mushihimesama Futari from SHUMP
My Horse and Me from Family
NHL 2K9 from sports
Phantasy Star Universe from JRPG
Streets of Rage from Retro
Worms Ultimate Mayhem from Console Classics


Bionic Commando from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Bolt from Family to Platformer
Cloudy With A chance of Meatballs from Family to Platformer
Halo Anniversary from Console Classics to Sci-Fi Shooter
Megamind From Family to Platformer
Mega Man 9 from Retro to Platformer
Mega Man 10 from Retro to Platformer
Metal Gear Solid HD from Console Classics to Stealth
Mirror's Edge from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Prince of Persia from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Rango from Family to Platformer
Resident Evil 4 from Console Classics to Survival Horror
Rio from Family to Party
Shrek The Third from Family to Platformer
Shrek Forever After from Family to Action/Adventure
Sonic Generations from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Sonic the Hedgehog from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Sonic Unleashed from Action/Adventure to Platformer
Spongebob Truth or Square from Family to Platformer
The Simpsons Game from Action Adventure to Platformer
Up from Family to Platformer
Where the Wild Things Are from Family to Platformer


Action Shooter:

Max Payne 3
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Shadows of the Damned


El Shaddai


Lego Batman 2

Console Classics:

SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co
SEGA Vintage Collection: Golden Axe
SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World
SEGA Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage

Extreme Sports:

Mad Riders
Stoked Big Air Edition


Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster


Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Power Up Heroes

Hack and Slash:

Devil May Cry HD Collection
Fable Heroes
Ninja Gaiden 3
Warriors Orochi 3

Historic Shooter:

Sniper Elite V2


Jam Music Live Arcade
Just Dance 3
Karaoke Revolution
Karaoke Revolution: Glee Volume 3

Modern Shooter:

Ghost Recon Future Soldier


Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion
Kinect Star Wars


Nat Geo Challenge


Crash of the Titans
Crash Bandicoot : Mind Over Mutant
Rayman 3
Sonic 4 Episode 2
Spyro Skylanders
Trials Evolution
World Gone Sour

Point and Click:

Walking Dead Episode 1


Boulder Dash XL
The Splatters


Joyride Turbo
Ridge Racer Unbounded


Daytona USA
Dragon's Lair
The Pinball Arcade


Prototype 2

Sci-Fi Shooter:

Battle: LA


Akai Katana
Fusion Genesis
Sine Mora


2006 Fifa World Cup
Fifa 06 RTFWC
Fifa Street
NCAA Football 2007
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13


Anomaly Warzone Earth
Sims 3 Pets

Survival Horror:

Silent Hill HD Collection

Top Gun:

Birds of Steel


Dragon's Dogma
Game of Thrones
Way of the Samurai 3
Witcher 2

Discussion and explanations can be found here:

See you next update!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top 21 for May/June...

Missed it last month and by the time I remember it was a few days in... So here it is...

Top 21 Most Popular for May/June 2012
* means comments are enabled! Go leave a message!

1. Stallion83 *
2. the dren *
3. smrnov *
4. Streak Leader *
5. BoZack *
6. ROGUE 1992 *
7. futiles *
8. GhostlyMaiden *
9. natsukashii *
10. dacoto *
11. pTartTX *
12. Capn Doug x360a *
13. griffey95 *
14. Fshguy *
15. Hotdogmcgee *
16. LausDomini *
17. Buckswana *
18. Facial La Fleur *
19. SG Steelhead *
20. Geems *
21. JB330 *

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Site Issues 6/21(6/22)

A combination of events means that the blog pull last night did not get ran properly. was having issues, security patch another.

I'm rerunning jobs now which means your blog will have extra stuff today (6/21) and less for tomorrow(6/22).

I just turned off streaks as well.

Sorry for the trouble, been lucky to not see issues for a long time.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

June Genre of the Month - Historic Shooter

Another month has almost gone by and that means it would be time for another Genre of the Month.

This month we are doing it in honor of D-Day which happened on June 6th 1944 , so what better event to honor with this genre.

The Group 

The Challenge

The Games in the Challenge


As in previous challenges you can join this one when you are already in a challenge and as a difference from previous months you can join this one up to 5 days after the 1st of June. Your points will ONLY COUNT when you are in the challenge though. Of course the winner will be getting the historic shooter of their choosing as well.

Good Luck

Friday, May 11, 2012

360voice and LiveGamer team up with Dragon's Dogma/Corpse Run Comics

360voice and Livegamer are proud to annouce a union between us and Dragon's Dogma web comic. You may have seen some of his work at Corpse Run Comics

Here are some examples of his work and upcoming news from Dragon's Dogma. 

Be sure to check these comics and others out. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New collections

Hello Everyone,

I'm pleased to finally annouce that the badge team's next project is finally complete. After far too long, we finally have two new collections up and running, Zombie and Incomplet! Here is a complete list of what is inside:


2010 FIFA World Cup
ArcaniA : Gothic 4
Army of Two
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Burnout Revenge
Cars: Race-O-Rama
College Hoops 2K7
College Hoops 2K8
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3
Def Jam: Icon
EA Sports MMA
EA Sports Active 2
FIFA Street 3
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Guitar Hero World Tour
Hasbro Family Game Light
Hellboy: The Science of Evil
Lord of the Rings : Battle for Middle Earth II
Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Madden 07
Madden 10
Major League Baseball 2K7
Major League Baseball 2K8
Major League Baseball 2K10
Monster Madness
Moto GP 2008
Naruto: Rise Of A Ninja


NBA 2K10
NBA 2K11
NBA Live 06
NBA Live 07
NBA Live 09
NBA Street: Homecourt
NCAA Basketball 09
NCAA Basketball 10
NCAA Football 08
NCAA Football 09
NCAA Football 10
NCAA March Madness 07
NCAA March Madness 08
Need for Speed: Carbon
Need for Speed: ProStreet
NFL Head Coach 09
NHL 07
NHL 08
NHL 09
NHL 10
Project Gotham Racing 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009/Winning Eleven 2009
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010/Winning Eleven 2010
Rapala Tournament Fishing
Rayman Raving Rabbids
SBK X: Superbike World Championship -- EU Version only is bugged
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
Tom Clancy's End War
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007
UEFA Euro 2008
UFC: Undisputed 2009


All Zombies Must Die
Blood Drive
Dead Block
Dead Island
Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising Case 0
Dead Rising Case West
Dead Rising OTR
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad
Operation Darkness
Plants vs. Zombies
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Resident Evil: Raccoon City
Rise of Nighmares (k)
Shellshock 2: Blood Trails
Zombie Apocalypse
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone
Zombie Wranglers

Good luck trying to get back the master collection badge everyone!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

May Genre of the Month -- Party

Another month means another genre to attack.  In honor of Cinco De Mayo we are going to party like its 2012 with the Party Genre.

Join the Group

Join the Challenge 

Game list for Party

Forum To Discuss

Just so everyone knows they will be eligible for the 1st- 3rd place Badges as well as a Party Genre game of their choice.  That being said as there are stackables in this genre I will have to limit the Genre to a NTSC game

Remember this is the newer style challenge so you do not need to finish your current challenge. .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

MightyMango deposes Dog of Thunder in 360voice Duopoly

Or more aptly Dog of Thunder is stepping down and MightyMango is taking over leadership of the 360voice Community. Officially after 17 months of Dog of Thunder helping run this site, he has decided to step down and hand over the daily duties of keeping this site running smoothly. MightyMango will be taking over, or rather already has. He's been 3vce here for a long time and has been handling some of the usual stuff for a while.

Please thank Dog of Thunder for all of his work running this site. He's been a great help for myself and has done a lot in the past year to organize things and keep things running. Much less bring this site back to life. Nobody can replace Dog of Thunder, but I'm quite happy to have MightyMango running the show while I spend most of my time poking into the code.

I threw out a few questions to MightyMango for those of you not as familiar with him:

Fshguy: What's this collection I keep hearing about?
MightyMango: Currently I have around 3,200 video games as I lost a couple hundred in my house fire. I'm short of having every 360 game by a little under 200. I currently have 8 360 systems as well.

Fshguy: How about your family?
MightyMango: I've been married for 12 years this September 9th, I always refer to the Dreamcast on our anniversary as it was released the year before we got married on the 9th. I have twin ten year old girls and a almost 4 year old girl.

Fshguy: How about your day job?
MightyMango:  I work at one of the Audi stores in Minnesota. I have been here for 6 years as a "service consultant" whatever that means. I have been working at dealerships as consultants and management since 1998 when I was still in college.

Fshguy: So you like cars?
MightyMango: I enjoy Automobiles as my other hobby to video games. I have a 09 BMW 335i and a 2005 Evolution.

Fshguy: I have an Accord and an Odyssey, hmmm...

Fshguy: Any other goals for the 360?
MightyMango: Personal goals are to get an achievement in every 360 game I own minus Tiger Woods 06 as that one it is not possible to get a single achievement in.

Fshguy: What are you short term goals for 360voice?
MightyMango: My immediate goals are to clean up the database and make sure all the games are categorized correctly, yes so exciting. I also want to continue to create new types of challenges as that is something that 360voice tends to do really well, including branching out to different types of challenges for users to enjoy. I also want to shape up the leaderboards and make them a more reliable stat source for everyone.

Fshguy: Anything else?
MightyMango: Also, I know I'm not as creative as Dog of Thunder, I have a more "practical" mind set. I hope that I can follow in his footsteps and continue to push forward.  I want to try to keep the site fun and help it continue to grow through the 360's life cycle and beyond.

So, please give MightyMango a nice welcome.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Top 21 Most Popular for March 2012

A new month... Some changes going around. Skyline is starting to heat up. Buffet starting in a couple days... Fun times and a new genre update where I lost more badges. And here a list of popular people, who will be the fools this month...
  1. Stallion83 *
  2. GhostlyMaiden *
  3. the dren *
  4. smrnov *
  5. Streak Leader *
  6. LausDomini *
  7. BoZack *
  8. Capn Doug x360a *
  9. Fshguy *
  10. SG Steelhead *
  11. danpsfx *
  12. Boerke *
  13. dacoto *
  14. Hotdogmcgee *
  15. Geems *
  16. Dog of Thunder *
  17. pTartTX *
  18. natsukashii *
  19. Fragilesound *
  20. griffey95 *
  21. JB330 *

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Genre badge Update: Spring Edition

Okay folks, its that time again. Time for everyone to lose all of their badges because we love being diabolical tyrants. MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!

But seriously, its time for the spring genre badge update.

Firstly, we have A LOT of removals mainly due to online shutdowns and glitches, thanks a lot EA.

Secondly you should notice quite a few moves, including one that alot of people wanted, the viva pinata games to strategy.

Next we have TWO new genres for you, Fitness and Platformer!!

Platformer is a two fold project. With this update we decided to add/move all of the 2D/arcade games into the genre this time around.
A lot of moves came from puzzle which is why it got a lot more games added to it than per usual update.

Before you start asking about Sonic and Prince of Persia games not being added, relax. These and all 3D platformer games will all be moved and added come the summer update. We wanted to do baby steps because there is a lot of upheaval this update already, so we didn't want to add any more craziness.

You can look at all the changes in see the future and start compiling the damage totals. Take a look guys there is a lot going on.

Your friendly neighborhood badge team


Card and Board
Family Game Night 1

Extreme Sports


Burnout Revenge

Guitar Hero: World Tour

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

EA Sports MMA

Sacred 2

Comic Jumper <- Move from Action/Adventure to Action Shooter.
Marathon Durandel <- Move from Sci-Fi to console classics
Perfect Dark <- Move from Sci-Fi to console classics
Transformers 3 <- Move from Sci Fi to Action Shooter
Viva Pinata <- Move from Family to Strategy.
Viva Pinata TiP <- Move from Family to Strategy.
Warhammer Kill Team <- Move from Shump to Hack and slash
Worms/Worms 2/Worms Ultimate Mayhem <- Move from Strategy to Console Classics.


Action Shooter
Gotham City Imposters

Disney Universe
Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon

Card and Board
Apples to Apples

Console Classics
Guardian Heroes
Sonic CD

Extreme Sports

Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks

Blazblue Continuum Shift EXTEND
SF x Tekken
Soul Calibur V

Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout
Deepak Chopra's Leela
Jillian Michaels' Fitness Adventure
Self-Defense Training Camp
UFC Personal Trainer
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012
Zumba Fitness
Zumba Fitness: Rush

Hack and Slash
Unbound Saga
Watchmen 1
Watchmen 2

Historic Shooter
Darkest of Days

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Modern Shooter
Operation Flashpoint: Red River

Asura's Wrath
Rock of Ages

Double Fine Happy Action Theater
Scene It? Movie Night

Adventures of Shuggy
Ancients of Ooga
Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2
Blade Kitten
Cloning Clyde
Exit 2
Fancy Pants Adventures
Joe Danger: Special Edition
Ms. Splosion Man
Rainbow Islands
Rayman Origins
Rocket Knight
Sonic 4: Episode I
Splosion Man
Super Meat Boy
Trials HD
Trine 2
Wik: Fable of Souls
Wipeout in the Zone
Wipeout 2

Point and Click
Lost via Domus

Bejeweled 3
Polar Panic

F1 2011
NASCAR Unleashed

Cyber Troopers Virtual On
Prince of Persia (Arcade)
Simpsons Arcade

Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon

Sci-Fi Shooter
The Darkness II

Galaga Legions DX
Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
Radiant Silvergun

3D Ultra Minigolf
3D Ultra Minigolf 2
Kinect Sports: Season 2
Madden Arcade
MLB 2k12
NFL Blitz

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Death Tank

Survival Horror
Alan Wake: American Nightmare
I Am Alive

Top Gun
Microsoft Flight (GFWL title)
Top Gun: Hard Lock

UFC Undisputed 3

Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Mass Effect 3

It is a lot to take in folks, let us know how we did here:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Member of the Moment: FragEmAndSmile

Interview conducted and posted by: Tandar1

Q: You have a very interesting gamertag, how did you come up with it?

A: It all started back on the PC during the Unreal Tournament days. I was playing with a few Marines and had to come up with a tag so we knew who was who. I remembered an old coca-cola catch phrase "Have a coke and a smile". I combined my frag counts in Unreal Tournament with that phrase and came up with FragEmAndSmile....or Frag/FragEm for short.

Q: You recently came up with a few new challenges for the 360Voice community. Such as the U.S. Gamerscore Open and Iron Man. What gave you the idea for creating these, and do you plan to make them annual?

A: The U.S. Gamerscore Open idea really came to me out of nowhere. I wanted to do something "different" for a challenge that hasn't been done before which isn't easy with all the great challenge ideas already out there. This idea just popped in to my head and I thought it was unique enough from the other challenges so I went with it. There were over 90 gamers that signed up for it.

As for the Iron Man challenge, for the most part that was really in response to some complaints that the site staff got because the U.S. Gamerscore Open was only open to U.S. gamers.  I never got any of these complaints personally and I thought it was unfair that the site staff, who had nothing to do with the creation of the challenge, caught flak for it.  When I typed up the challenge invite I made it pretty clear that this was just how the idea of the challenge came to me and was not intended to offend anyone from other countries and that I would do something for them later. I even considered tossing out the U.S. Gamerscore Open completely and not doing any challenges at all, but decided to go ahead and do it.

Both of these challenges will be annual as long as there is interest in them.

Q: I think I remember you mentioning that there were a few more challenges that would be on the horizon, can you confirm this and give any hints to what they might be or involve?

A: I sort of have one going for WP7 gamers now. It's not "official" yet, but it will run for the entire year of 2012 and only games released in 2012 count towards your score. Highest score at the end of the year wins. No prizes are being offered at this time, but I expect that to change. This is more of a test run for Fsh's new challenge/tracking system which will make my day MUCH easier instead of tracking scores manually!

I also have another challenge that I will be putting in the invite forum pretty soon called Last Man Standing.  In this challenge, there is an elimination every single day. You have to score points each day, with the low man being eliminated. Mix and repeat until there is only one gamer left. 0 point scores for that day are an automatic elimination. So with this challenge, not only do you have to score points every day, you have to avoid being the lowest scoring gamer.  Prizes have yet to be determined. This challenge will be open to any region on the planet.

I may or may not add more challenges.

Q: What are some things you like to do other than gaming?

A: I have a programming background and I like to code games when time permits. I still have the 360voice themed game on the backburner. Maybe it will come out quicker than Duke Nuke 'Em Forever did.  I also bowl at a semi-professional level. This cuts out 2 nights a week and the occassional weekend (for tournaments) of gaming time, but sometimes you just need a break.  That's pretty much it. I just don't have to time to commit to anything else on a regular basis.

Q: Are you excited to be living in the town that such famous people originated from? People like Deion Branch and Ray Charles?

A: While it's cool to know some famous people came from here, Albany GA is nothing to be excited about.

Q: What are some things that are specific to your town that you would recommend to travelers, and the occasional Dog of Thunder?

A: Dog lives about an hour's drive from me so he doesn't have to dwell in the misery that is Albany that I do. There is one unique eating establishment called Harvest Moon that has some good food, but it's not something I would drive for hours to get to. The mall here is the size of a shoe-box, the closest thing we have to an electronics store is WalMart. There are 3 Gamestops here, but it's rare that I find anything to take home. The selections don't change as much as other stores I go to so I see the same titles day in and day out. I call Albany Agony but I live here because I have to not because I want to.  I'm hoping that changes in about a year or so. The only thing I could really recommend is to stay away from this place. Avoid it like the plague.

Q: Do you have any favorite sports teams? Die-hard fan or just occasional watcher?

A: Not since I got married almost 11 years ago. I did watch the Atlanta Braves, but like most Georgia teams, they blow critical games so I gave up on them.  I do like Florida State's football team but I haven't watched a game in ages. What little free time I do have I try to spend it gaming.

Q: If you had to pick only one genre to play for an entire year, which one would it be, and why?

A: That would depend on what platform I'd be playing on. If it was the PC, I'd have to say RTS. Ever since I played the original StarCraft I was hooked.  This has been my favorite genre for many years.  On the 360 I would probably go with RPG. These are the most involved, have engaging stories (most of the time), and would keep me busy until the end of the year.

Q: How did you eventually stumble upon 360Voice?

A: If I remember right, I think a friend suggested it to me back in 2006.

Q: What keeps you coming back?

A: That's easy. 360voice's community is the best on the web. I've been to many gaming sites where you just didn't feel welcomed at all and some of the forum mods were down right jerks. They got a title and it went straight to their head and had no problem throwing their virtual weight around. The 360voice community is the most friendly, helpful (I could go on and on here) bunch of people I've ever met. I have never  experienced anything close to this on any other website gaming or otherwise.

Q: If the next generation of Xbox, for some CRAZY reason, did not incorporate your past gamertag/gamerscore into its design and made you start over, would you still buy one?

A: Starting over would be painful. I think I would continue on with the 360 and get as much out of it as I could. Eventually I would probably move over to the new console but I doubt I would be there on launch day with money in hand to buy one. I've even considered to let the 360 to be my last console period. Only time will tell.

Q: Do you play games for fun or achievements?

A: Both. The 360's achievement system changed the way we play games forever. Why else would so many of us play Hannah Montana or My Horse And Me 2? I love to play games and there are some that I play just for fun. However, I'm usually in some gamerscore contest or trying to hit some gamerscore milestone that forces me to play for points too. Not that I mind all that much.

Q: Do you like single-player only games more than multi-player or vice versa? Or a combination of both?

A: Both, but for the last year and a half, it's been almost impossible for me to do any real multiplayer gaming. Ask anyone that's tried to boost with me.  It seems that EVERY time I try to set something up or offer to help out, some crisis comes up where I have to reschedule. This is no exaggeration. I really hate not getting to play online like I used to. I keep hoping that will soon change.

Q: Be honest, who has more videogames (including XBLA), you or Mightymango?

A: Hands down, Mango. He and I went back and forth a while back swapping places on the games played leaderboard which was fun, but I had to back off game buying last year big time for personal reasons. I did have a surge around Christmas which put me back at the #2 spot on the 360Voice games played leaderboard recently, but Mango is still pretty far ahead of me. I still can't buy games like I used to so I suspect Mango will stay ahead of me.

Q: How did you get started in collecting videogames? What keeps you wanting to continue to collect and "catch 'em all"?

A: After the original Pong home console where all the games were built-in, I got the Atari 2600. That's where it started. The market was flooded with games (most weren't any good) and the prices were cheap. Even as I kid I managed to rack up quite a collection of 2600 games that would rival my 360 collection. I owned just about every console out there and had most of the games for each system. Sadly, all my other game systems, and I do mean all of them, I had to sell a few years ago. Sometimes I really miss the Neo Geo (home and arcade) and the Turbo Graphix 16/Duo consoles. It is what it is.

Q: Do you currently count Indie games as a part of your collection? Do you even purchase them? Why or why not?

A: I do love the indie scene but I do not have any of the games nor would I count them as part of my "collection". I count games (or apps like ESPN) that show up on our blogs/xbox live.

Q: How long have you been an Xbox Live Gold Member and what keeps you paying that subscription fee?

A: My console says 5 years. You get to play a lot of games for a small price that's lower than most PC games that require a monthly subscription for just one game.

Q: Are you using any of the extra services provided? Such as Netflix (if you're already a Netflix member), ESPN3, UFC fights, Facebook, or Twitter?

A: I'm not using any of these services right now.

Q: If you could change or add one thing to Xbox Live, what would it be and why?

A: I'd make game developers/publishers that use their own servers to no longer have online achievements. I hate it when we have to scramble to beat a server going down.  I understand why they take their games offline, but don't take away our ability to earn achievements. Not everyone can buy the latest sports game only to have the achievements unobtainable in less than a year's time (in some cases).

Q: Out of the latest technology brought into the gaming world, what is your favorite, and why? [Kinect/Windows phone/3D Gaming, Cloud Saves]

A: Kinect is a neat idea, but I'm not sure it's "there" yet. 3D Gaming will further enhance the experience and I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Q: You are roughly 19,000GS away from hitting 200k! Do you have anything special planned?

A: No I do not have anything currently planned.

Q: Tell us a little about your favorite badges on 360Voice, and what kind of badges you would create if you could?

A: Since I'm a game collector, I would go with the collection badges. As for a new badge, why not have a # of games played badge? We have one for # days played, watchers, etc.  You can never have too many badges.

Q: If you could add or change one thing on 360Voice, what would it be and why?

A: The site is constantly changing/evolving. I don't know of anything right now.

Q: Any particular beverage or food you like to have laying around while you are gaming?

A: Soda of various flavors. I don't like to eat and game.

Q: What kind of gaming setup do you currently have?

A: In the "achievement room" that is a 9' x 12' room. I have a 42" LG flatscreen with a 500watt surround sound system. 2 - 504 capacity DVD racks, and 2 smaller DVD racks 1 of each on both sides of the room. I sit in a recliner. I have all 3 region consoles and gaming PC attached to the TV via HDMI and I use wireless keyboard and mouse for the PC so I rarely have to get up once I start gaming. In the living room, where I have to use the Kinect, I have an older Phillips 55" rear projection big screen to play on. It's rare that I can get the Mrs. away from it long enough to use the Kinect though.  I'm working on getting a new house built so that I won't have this problem anymore, but that is a ways off.

Q: What was the very first videogame you remember playing?

A: Pong

Q: What was the first game you started on the Xbox360? Did you get all the achievements?

A: Blazing Angels. No I never went back and finished it. Maybe one day.

Q: BoZack is currently planning for an "Achievement Fest" during the Summer, do you plan to attend? Who are some people you would hope to meet if you can make it?

A: I would like to attend and I'm going to try. It's a 12 hour drive for me though. The event is too far out to know for sure just yet. I'd like to met a lot of great people over the years at 360voice.  I'd be happy to meet any of them.

Q: Tell us some details of your life away from gaming, what type of job do you have? Any family members?

A: My job takes up 90% of my time. I'm in the IT business. I mainly work on servers, routers, switches, desktops, and laptops across a 100+ square mile radius in any direction.  I'm on the road a lot and usually barely have enough time to update the tournament leaderboards and pop in a game long enough to get an achievement.

Q: You drive around a lot, do you listen to any particular music or podcasts during your travels?

A: I just got a new ride back in November that has a Satelite radio in it so I've been playing with that.

Q: What are your thoughts on how Microsoft handles their security? Especially with the recent Fifa hacks, do you feel safer than a PS3 member?

A: I think overall they're doing a decent job. After what Sony went thru I would say M$ is doing a better job keeping their clients info safer.

Q: DLC, practically every game nowadays ships with it planned. Do you ever buy any, or are you satisfied enough with having the original game in your collection?

A: I get some DLC, especially if it's for a game I really like or has additional achievements.

Q: What are your thoughts on SOPA and PIPA, are you for or against them?

A: As an amature developer myself, I wouldn't like someone stealing my work so I don't do it either.

Q: Do you watch any movies? What are some of your favorites?

A: Recently watched Underworld 4 and I did like most of the series. Anything science fiction related really.

Q: 2011 was a year packed with AAA titles, what were your 10 favorite games released (XBLA and Retail)?

A: I enjoyed Gears 3, Modern Warfare 3, Shadows of the Damned, and I'm sure I'm leaving out several other good ones but the mind draws blank.

Q: Any New Year resolutions you have to accomplish in 2012?

A: I would like to break 300,000 in gamerscore by the end of the year but at the rate I'm going (5.0% last I looked on TA) I'm not going to make it.  Just not enough hours in the day with my schedule.

Q: Do you ever wait for videogames to go on sale, or do you regularly buy them on release-day?

A: I rarely get a game on release day and most of my games I get used. It's how I get so many of them.

Q: In a regular workday, how many miles do you drive? What vehicle are you driving such long voyages in?

A: In a 5 day work week, it's not uncommon for me to do 1,000 miles or more. I drive a 2012 Kia Sportage SUV. I got it back in November to replace my 2005 of the same make/model. It had over 300,000 miles on it.

Q: Anything else you would like to add? Say hi to mom, or taunt your nemesis?

A: If I have a nemesis, I don't know it so if he/she wants to reveal themself, bring it!