Tuesday, September 25, 2012

October Genre of the Month : Survival Horror

Another month is almost here which means it is time for next month's genre challenge.


Same rules apply as in other months, the winner will receive a game from the survival horror genre. There are also badges for 1st-3rd as well as participation badges for those that join.

So join up here 

Challenge starts on October 1st!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Top 21 Most Popular for July/August 2012

Fell a little behind on these, catching up a back log of items... Time to pimp your blog again.

Top 21 Most Popular for July/August 2012
* means comments are enabled! Go leave a message!

Stallion83 *
the dren *
smrnov *
Streak Leader *
BoZack *
QuiCkz Ninja *
futiles *
pTartTX *
Fshguy *
Buckswana *
natsukashii *
LausDomini *
Geems *
Boerke *
Hotdogmcgee *
Tandar1 *
CKinAL *
griffey95 *
Junkdewd *
phatal1ty *
SparkyMP *