Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blogs 5/29

Blogs are delayed for today, I'm working on correcting the data. We didn't lose anything at least.

We got caught by a Microsoft Security update applied by our hosting provider. I thought everything was good this morning, but didn't realize blogs were not writing.

Should start seeing blogs around 2-3pm Eastern.

2:12pm Eastern: Blogs are running...

Friday, May 10, 2013

New Collections and New Update

Hey Everyone,

We got some good news and/or bad news depending on how you look at things. You may have noticed that you are missing a few badges today. Reason for that is that we have finally given collections an update. This one is smaller than in the past because I think we are finally catching up with all game releases.

Also I am pleased to announce that we have a brand new collection for you to go after. With all of the viral madness of late, we have decided to add a new Viral Collection. This collection features games where you have to play with or beat someone online that has a viral achievement.

You can find the update here in this thread

Enjoy everyone.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reworking some Database data / Site Performance may be slow

Site performance, it's possible you may see slow downs or it might take a minute for your comments to post for the next couple days.

I'm rebuilding/denormalizing the table that tracks each gamertag for each day(which has more rows that blog since we don't write blogs for people that don't play for 30+ days). This table is up to 334 million rows and it takes up 60GB.

I hope to get the size down to under 20GB and better than that, it will be organized/indexed better. Mostly, this will improve results when you look at your gamerscore chart. I'm planning a secondary update to work on all of our charts, there's a lot of new stuff out now that will make these charts run a lot smoother. 

This may go on for 3 or 4 days, I'll keep you posted. It's taking 3 minutes a day and I'm scared to run this overnight. Good news is 500 days down(24 million rows), only 2100 days and 310 million rows to go. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Top 21 Most Popular for April 2013

"New" guy at the top! How about that.

So, bad sign when last post was last months, let me see if I can make something happen. I'd like to run some blog content related to speculation on what will be in the next xbox, so any ideas, email me through the forums, post on my blog, even comment here(I do have comments turned on for moderation since we usually get spam on the main blog here.)

1. Streak Leader *
2. Stallion83 *
3. the dren *
4. smrnov *
5. pTartTX *
6. senyek *
7. Boerke *
8. LAFTA *
9. ohjay08 *
10. futiles *
11. Buckswana *
13. Elem3ntal80 *
14. Fshguy *
15. dacoto *
16. SmokenRocket *
17. Kaens *
18. Hotdogmcgee *
19. lady death 13 *
20. FragEmAndSmile *
21, LausDomini *