Monday, July 29, 2013

Last Challenge of the Month for 2013

Here is the last Challenge of the Month for 2013!! 

It will run from August 1st through September 15th

Of course there will be AMAZING PRIZES for the winner!!

Sign Up!!!  Remember you can be in this and your normal challenge as well.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Achievement Fest 2013

We have the World Record Attempts in full swing.  Check out the live blog at and you can see Pics, cause it happened, over in the 360voice Achievement Fest Forum at

Feel free to follow all day and all night.

Good luck to Mr pTart and AchieveFest2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Top 21 Most Popular for June 2013

Another month, it's July,  at least 9 or 10 of the cool people will be at Achievement Fest... Less than a week now... In any case... numbers are reset... Optimistic that July will be the month for some big moves in getting new features in... At least that evil Hack & Slash split will be in.... Curses...

1. Streak Leader *
2. Stallion83 *
3. the dren *
4. smrnov *
5. Boerke *
6. toddycst *
7. QuiCkz Ninja *
8. dacoto *
9. Buckswana *
10. Geems *
11. Fshguy *
12. futiles *
13. SparkyMP *
14. Ichya Paradise *
15. Hotdogmcgee *
16. ohjay08 *
17. Elem3ntal80 *
18. JB330 *
19. griffey95 *
20. flyingmario5404 *
21. FragEmAndSmile *